Support > Design > Product List > Set Products Per Row

Set Products Per Row


Online Shop Web DesignProduct ListProduct Display


The multifunctional web design tools of eshopland ecommerce platform allow merchants to incorporate various design styles into your web pages, customize the number of products per row on the product list to match different themes and images of the online shop.


For more details on designing the product list, please refer to the introduction in Product List Style.


1.    Product List Page


Go to Admin Panel > Design > Pages,

click “Products” to enter the Product List page.



2.    Product List Style


Click Product List Style to enter the Product List design setting page.

When you update and save the style, the new style will be automatically applied to the All Product List Module, All Categories & Products and Products In Category webpage design modules.



3.    Set the Product Display


You can customize how products will be displayed on the Product List.



Maximum Products per Row

The number of products will be displayed on each row when viewing on desktop.

You can configure to display 2 – 6 products on each row.




The spacing between products displayed on the Product List, to be measured in pixels (px).

When you change the spacing, the size of the product blocks will be auto adjusted.



Background Color

The background color of the product blocks displayed on the Product List.

You can simply pick a color or enter a color code to set the background color.



4.    Apply


Save the settings.


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